Provost's Column

IUB 2030: A Year of Progress 

Today, along with the campus and university dashboards, I am pleased to share our first-year highlights in advancing IUB 2030 for the Bloomington campus.  

View our IUB 2030 progress 

Some points of pride include: 

  • Creating eight new academic programs (five for undergraduates) in high-demand areas, along with 42 new accelerated master’s programs 
  • Reimagining academic advising, including required advising each semester for undergraduates 
  • Launching the new Office of Student Life, integrating the residential experience 
  • Generating a record 67,650 student applications, a 35% increase from fall 2022, and increasing admissions selectivity by 4% 
  • Increasing research expenditure to $234 million, a 19% gain over 2021. Federal grants and contracts have increased from $87 million to $105 million over the same period. *
  • Launching a $45 million, 90,000+ square foot research lab renovation project that will enable us to significantly expand research capabilities
  • Growing annual fundraising for the campus by 36% over 2022, raising more than $165 million

This has been a collective effort—your creativity and commitment have made all these accomplishments and many others possible. Thank you for all that you are doing to make our aspirations become a reality.  

As with the start of any longer-term plan, some efforts are more immediate and some impacts more visible than others. In reviewing our many accomplishments this first year of the plan, I encourage us all to remember that initial progress toward longer range goals is just as critical as quick wins. I sometimes think of this stage as the “green shoots” phase—where promising new growth is beginning to take root and come alive, but it has yet to reach its full bloom or potential. Realizing those possibilities in the months and years to come will take all our continued care and attention. 

Now into our second year of implementation, I encourage all members of the IUB community to join in advancing our plan for the betterment of our campus and a brighter future for our world.  


As some of you may know, we unexpectedly lost one of our brightest friends and colleague - Judith Allen - last week. Distinguished Professor Allen was an internationally renowned historian and leading feminist voice, whose work shaped many groundbreaking efforts at IU, the Kinsey Institute, and far beyond. She has left a legacy that will be felt by her colleagues, students, and mentees, for years to come. She will be missed greatly.