Provost's Column

Ahead to 2030

With the launch of our IUB 2030 strategic plan, we have a clear roadmap for our shared future at IU Bloomington. Now comes the crucial and exciting work of implementing the initiatives outlined in each of the pillars of our IUB 2030 plan. 

Today, I write to update our community on how we will begin work in earnest to carefully shape our approach to strategic plan implementation.

First, we know that faculty, staff, student, and community input has been critical to the development of goals and metrics within our plan. As we move forward, our implementation phase efforts will directly utilize the robust ideas that emerged throughout the development of our plan to bring our vision fully to life.

Second, to support a coordinated implementation effort that allows us to clearly report on our progress, celebrate our shared accomplishments, and ensure we are nimble in our approach, we are forming an executive leadership team for IUB 2030 (the “ELT 2030”).

This leadership group will be comprised of representative faculty and academic deans, along with administrative, staff, and student leaders.

Some seats on this group will be filled via elected campus positions, including the faculty council chair of long-range planning and the staff council and student government presidents. Other seats will be based on campus academic or administrative appointments, including vice provosts for undergraduate and graduate education, research, and university relations.

Other at-large faculty and staff roles will be appointed initially for 1-3 year terms, designed to offset transitions among outgoing and incoming members. Following these initial transitions, members will serve two-year terms.

Invitations to executive leadership team members will go out later this week. We anticipate the “ELT 2030” beginning its efforts together in early May.

Over the coming weeks, under the leadership of this new team, we will develop and advance a full implementation structure, including prioritized action plans with timelines and mechanisms to track our progress toward established measures of success. The ELT 2030 will then help identify additional campus and community colleagues to join implementation efforts within each of the three pillars, beginning this fall.

I am thrilled by the progress we have made together this year, and I look forward to how our IUB strategic plan will benefit our campus, all of IU, and the communities we serve.