New Staff Initiative

Improving the Staff Experience at IUB

On Feb. 13, 2023, IU Provost and Executive Vice President Rahul Shrivastav and Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Todd Richardson announced a new staff initiative that will be ongoing and iterative. To effectively recruit, retain, and engage a talented, diverse staff reflective of our desire to continue to be an outstanding place to work, learn, and grow, IUB will:

  1. Increase the sense of belonging and well-being among staff, including strengthening resources dedicated to overall health and access to medical care.
  2. Ensure more equitable compensation, workloads, and working environments across campus.
  3. Provide staff with robust professional growth and development opportunities, including increased career pathways.
  4. Leverage clear and actionable data about the staff experience to empower supervisors to be increasingly responsive to employee ideas and opportunities. 

The initiative focuses on pursuing several tangible improvements, some of which have already been rolled out:

  1. Reorient an existing staff position to focus on staff at the Bloomington campus in close alignment with central IU HR and campus HR leaders. The position will join the provost’s leadership team and will help shape and advance a holistic staff experience.
  2. Benchmark staff compensation and staffing levels by area with our Big Ten and other market peers.
  3. Continue Employee Recognition Awards and discretionary bonuses, as well as increased monetary awards for staff award recipients. (More than 1,400 employees received over $1.2m in bonuses and awards in 2022.)
  4. Pursue new and novel ways to address the primary care medical shortage in Bloomington, including exploring the option of an on-site clinic for employees.
  5. Improve central onboarding and staff orientation for all incoming IUB staff.
  6. Increase coordination with campus HR leaders and communication with employees on HR programs, resources, staff engagement opportunities, and retention and staffing trends.
  7. Launch "Performance at IU: A culture of conversations," a new performance management process for all Bloomington staff to ensure that all staff have consistent annual conversations and ongoing feedback from supervisors on their work performance and potential growth opportunities.
  8. Create additional manager and supervisor training for schools and units to promote stronger leadership and better enable effective staff management.
  9. Continue the MyVoice engagement survey on a biannual basis, including expanded sharing of results and development of meaningful action plans with all staff.